Announcing The TechCrunch List, a founder-friendly directory of first check and lead VCs

Danny Crichton, July 14, 2020,

The TechCrunch List is a verified, curated list of investors who have demonstrated a recent commitment to first checks and leading rounds from seed through growth, organized by market vertical.

After we announced the launch of the List and the mission behind it last month, we asked founders to submit their recommendations of which VCs were instrumental in their own fundraises. That call to action was abundantly answered: more than 1,200 founders submitted recommendations of their investors, hundreds of whom submitted paragraphs, and at times, literally pages of notes about how valuable their investors were (the longest recommendation we got was over 14 pages long). For those of you who submitted your information — thank you for passing it forward to other founders who are hoping to bring their dreams to reality.

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Genoa NewsRebecca Galler